From a sleepy, unassuming town on the banks of the Ohio River, life flows...
Metropolis: Tales from a Small Town, is a collection of sixteen stories, each with a different cast of unforgettable characters. What happens when a worker in a glove factory gets pink-slipped? What dreams do two high-school seniors have as the nation stands on the verge of a World War? How does a reporter get out-scooped by the assassination of JFK? What causes a girl and her mother to immigrate from Northern Ireland winding up in Metropolis?
My Mom was born and raised in Metropolis, Illinois. It's a sleepy riverboat town on the banks of the Ohio River. She loved living there. She loved going back. Mom's family held a family reunion in Massac Park for 100 years! Her roots went deep. My hope is that Metropolis: Tales from a Small Town is a fitting tribute to Mom's home town.
Dan Salerno
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